Paper Wasp


  • 1/2 - 5/8 inch long
  • yellow and black; hairy

Nesting Habits

  • social
  • colony perennial, surviving the winter
  • occasionally swarm


  • pollen, nectar, honey


  • nests and individual bees pose a health risk to humans, especially allergic individuals
  • swarms can alarm people, but typically aren’t dangerous
  • Africanized honey bees do exist in Washington, Iron and San Juan counties in Utah, and are more dangerous than European honey bees
  • genetic tests or precise morphological measurements are needed to distinguish between Africanized and European honey bees

IPM Recommendations

  • Monitor for bees season-long.
  • Purchase and use a bee veil, suit and gloves.
  • Minimize nesting habitat around property.
  • Install tight-fitting screens in windows.
  • Never plug entrance holes to nests!
  • Bees are a valuable resource; consider contacting your local beekeepers' association for hive or swarm extraction.