Wolf Spider


  • small to very large spiders
  • unique eye pattern (top image)
  • females carry egg sacs on spinneretts and spiderlings on their back

Nesting Habits

  • solitary wandering hunters
  • not found in webs
  • found in ornamental plantings, under objects, woodpiles, in mulch, etc.
  • some small black species occur in great numbers in lawns in the spring, causing alarm


  • insects and spiders


  • can be a nuisance when they mistakenly entering buildings
  • not known to be a health hazard
  • beneficial

IPM Recommendations

  • Minimize nesting habitat around property.
  • Seal exterior cracks and crevices to reduce hiding places.
  • Regularly vacuum individuals and webs.
  • Reduce clutter indoors and outdoors.
  • Install tight-fitting door sweeps.
  • Install tight-fitting screens in windows.
  • Reduce other insects that serve as food.
  • Use pest monitors to capture wandering spiders.
  • Change exterior lighting to sodium vapor bulbs.

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